Service Children at Lipson Vale
We are here to support the children of parents/carers in the armed forces. Below you will find information about what we offer each service pupil, as well as more information about our bespoke individual offer.
What we offer:
Regular meetings and activities
Monthly lunch club with a member of school staff (special menu decided by the service children)
Monthly drop in sessions with a member of school staff (e.g. school counsellor, Parent Support Advisor, Headteacher)
Dedicated page on our website with clear signposting and information about events within the city
Visits and outings to city events
Responsive support
An easy to use online tool to let the school know when a parent/carer is about to deploy (this will enable to the school to discuss support and in-school provision to prepare your child for the deployment and whilst the parent/carer is away)
Access to Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) and in-school counsellor, as required.
Access to the school counsellor, as required
Enabling communication with service parent/carer whilst they are deployed (e.g. writing letters, recording video messages)
Exploring where parents/carers have been deployed (creating posters, fact files, maps, for example)
Sharing work and news whilst parent/carer is away (either electronically or by maintaining a diary with the child)
Opportunities to meet other service children from across the city