Our SEND Report can be found here.
Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) provides information, advice and support relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people within the Plymouth Local Authority area. Their web site can be found here.
Their newsletter – For Your Interest – contains many activities and events scheduled over the school holidays and beyond. To browse their latest newsletters please follow this link.
Plymouth Local Offer
The Plymouth Local Offer website provides information for families and children with special educational needs or disabilities all in one place. This will help you to see which services you can potentially receive and access from local agencies. The Plymouth Local Offer provides information for children and young people from birth to twenty five years old.
Local offer update
The Local Offer has been updated to include a COVID-19 section. Here you will find information for families and links to key national and community information.
Dyslexia Information
The "Dyslexia Best Practice Guidance" information has been put together after collaboration and consultation between Plymouth City Council and local schools. This guidance offers information about how dyslexia is assessed, strategies teachers and parents can use to support children with dyslexia and a parental letter template for parents who wish to contact the school about their child's dyslexia.
SEND latest from the blog