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The Day the Chairs Quit!

Today did not start like any other day. Today the chairs quit. They'd had enough of the terrible life they have been subject to over the past four months and called a strike!

The children arrived to classrooms emptied of chairs, save for the picket lines in the corners of the room. The message from the Classroom Chair's Association was clear - get your act together or we're gone for good!

The children then had until break to plan and write persuasive letters to address the concerns raised by the Chair's Association and encourage their swift return to active service. It didn't take long before the discomfort set in and the children realised the support they'd be missing if they failed in their task. The stakes couldn't have been higher!

Luckily, after an hour's writing and a little bit of editing, the Chair's Association were convinced their working conditions would improve moving forward, and all was well in time for Maths.


This wonderful writing task was the final piece in our persuasive writing module, where the children have been creating another persuasive text - an advertisement for a luxury Greek holiday resort. These adverts have been written up on to websites that have been designed and created by the children during our Computing lessons this term. We won't say any more about those for now but we'll be sharing a few of them soon...

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