Monday heralded the first of two training walks for our JTT teams. Around midday we set off for Wrangaton and arrived with near impeccable timing - the heavens opened on the journey and promptly stopped upon arrival.
After a quick briefing and the divvying out of maps and compasses, we headed on to the open moor to calls of 'Is it lunch time yet?'. 'Nearly,' came the response, 'Just as soon as you've made it to the top of Ugborough Beacon.' A quick check of the maps and some debate later, and it became clear to all that this meant a solid hike up the big lump in front of them!
On they marched and all made it to the top of one of the most gruelling hills on the moor with (almost!) no complaints. Having proved their mettle, it was time to relax on the tumulus and break for lunch. Cue the rain.
Luckily, it didn't last long and we were off and dry again in no time. The rest of the afternoon gave ample opportunity to hone navigation skills and learn about the array of unusual features present on the moor.
Before we knew it, we were back at the cars and on our way home having walked just over 7km and ascended more than 250m. A good job well done and lots of valuable experience gained. Next stop, the Meavy Valley.
