Yesterday, Year 6 ventured out to the Princetown area of Dartmoor for our annual Junior Ten Tors taster walk. 59 children, along with various members of the school staff, set out with a healthy mixture of excitement and trepidation, hoping all the way up to Princetown that the favourable weather forecast was correct.
The original plan for the day was to head West on the tramway towards Foggintor Quarry, stop for lunch, a breather and possibly a jaunt up King's Tor for the energetic amongst us, then head back towards the coach for a well-earned rest.
Year 6 had other ideas and, so eager were they to experience all the moors had to offer, they set a rapid pace to hit our planned lunch spot in little over 45 minutes! To make the most of this, we took shelter in a nearby quarry for an early lunch then yomped happily up to King's Tor. On our way back to the coach, we even had chance for a detour into Foggintor Quarry, bringing the total distance travelled to around 8km.
A great day out and not a single complaint from anyone, even when the wind and rain whipped up for while on the outward leg. Well done Year 6 and a huge thank you to all the staff who made the day possible.
Below are a few quotes from the children:
'Absolutely superb! Definitely one of the best Year 6 days of my life.'
'It was incredible having the experience seeing all the wild life. We saw horses, sheep and even frog spawn.'
'I thought the day out would be boring and I wouldn't want to do the actual Ten Tors, but actually it was very fun and now I want to.'
'I really enjoyed the walk... most of Year 6 would agree that we connected with the outdoors. Overall, I absolutely loved it!'