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Cup Winners

McIver Cup
Leon C - Leon has made huge amounts of progress in reading this year. He is enthusiastic and keen to read a wide range of books. He has recently joined the AR group in Year 1 and has a reading age of 8 years and 3 months.

Tom G - Tom has been in AR since January and has shown to have a real talent when it comes to his reading capabilities! He has an impressive reading age of 9 years already! Keep it up!

H Cup
Zainab K - Zainab is such a superstar learner in our class. Her joy for learning shines through and she happily shares her thoughts and ideas in class with enthusiasm. She always has a smile on her face and has become a truly independent learner.

Esmae C - Esmae has proved that a positive attitude can make you achieve ANYTHING! she has made huge progress this year and deserves the recognition for you hard work this whole year!

Harris Cup
Eleanor B -  Eleanor is a very caring person. She always offers a helping hand to anyone who is upset, showing her truly compassionate side. She has grown in confidence and she has made a wider range of friends who she supports both in class and on the playground.

Willow M -Willow is always kind and caring to others, not only in Oyster class but around the whole school! She is always considerate of other feelings and is always welcoming to new pupils in our class.

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