Universal Free School Meal
The universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) scheme is a new government initiative that means all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be able to access a free school lunch every day. There are many great reasons why allowing your child to have this free school lunch are beneficial but, in summary, it means:
Your child gets a nutritious meal each day
You save time and money
Free School Meals
Free school meals are provided for children of parents in receipt of Income Support/Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance/ Child Tax Credit provided they do not also receive Working Tax Credit and have annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190.00/Guarantee element of state pension credit. Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act. An official application form must be completed, copies of which are obtainable from the school or the Area Education Office.
Please note, Free School Meals applications must now be completed online at the following address:
Paid Meals
School meals are taken in the hall. The Cook Supervisor caters in advance for the week, so it is very difficult to provide occasional meals and with this in mind we operate the following system:-
Lipson Vale Primary School is a cashless school and all monies including dinner monies must be paid online. If your child is not staying for a school dinner every day, you will need pay for the number of days your child will be eating a school dinner;
x 1 day £2.75
x 2 days £5.50
x 3 days £8.25
x 4 days £11.00
x 5 days £13.75
You can choose which days of the week your child wants a school dinner and pay for them in advance either weekly on a Monday or you can pay monthly or termly. Every morning your child will need to choose what they want to eat on that day i.e. Meal Option 1, Meal Option 2, Jacket Potato. You will receive a menu from the school on a termly basis.
When you register your child at Lipson Vale Primary School, you will require a email address and mobile number. We will then send you a password to access the school dinner money website.
Packed Lunches
Most packed lunches are also eaten in the school hall, but to ease congestion, some children have their packed lunch in their own classroom, or outside in good weather. In all cases, the children are supervised by the MTA staff.
No child is permitted (unless arrangements have been made as outlined in the Attendance page) to leave the premises during the mid-day break.