Vision and Values
Pupils, staff and families at Lipson Vale Primary School worked together on identifying 6 core values that underpin our approach to teaching and learning, behaviour management and policies.
These values are:
Our whole school vision is:
Together we are inspiring a community with a bright future
Through this vision, we have a renewed commitment and focus on our local community and providing an educational environment with develops resilient learners who have high aspirations for their futures. This vision is lived out through all aspects of school life and the curriculum that we offer to our pupils.

What Do We Aim To Do?
At Lipson Vale Primary School we are committed to creating an educational environment that supports all pupils to be keen, enthusiastic and ‘ready’ learners who get to learn in classrooms that are free of disruption. We aim to create a positive, happy and caring environment where all pupils behave with consistently high levels of respect for themselves, others and their community. Our approach has understanding at its very heart: understanding that pupils come into our school environment with different and varied experiences; understanding that our behaviours change when we are emotionally dysregulated; understanding that adults can help pupils to regulate and self-sooth. Through our consistent, positive approach, focused on relationships, pupils develop strategies that support them in self-regulation, behaviour and self-control in a safe environment where new learning can take place. We strongly believe that, through consistently high expectations of behaviour, we are able to provide an equitable approach which acknowledges each pupil as an individual who has the right to be treated with respect and compassion.
We believe that our school values help underpin this relationships policy by:
Enabling children and adults to communicate clearly about their feelings
Developing resilience in managing behaviour and relationships with others
Having self-belief in our own abilities and potential to achieve
Know that collaboration helps us to all learn in a safe, disruption-free classroom
Supporting pupils to understand their responsibility in enabling everyone to succeed
Helping pupils to show bravery is repairing and restoring relationships

Our READY behaviours
All stakeholders (Governors, staff, pupils and parents/carers) agree to our 5 READY behaviour expectations. These help us to ensure a consistent and positive culture is established around behaviour and attitudes towards learning throughout the school day. The 5 READY behaviour expectations provide a reference point for stakeholders and act as a reminder of how we can all work together to ensure that our school is a great place where excellent learning takes place. We believe that our READY expectations provide a deep understanding of how we can all be productive and contributing citizens that understand tolerance as an essential skill for life.
‘We are READY to learn’
R – Respect everyone’s right to learn
E – Everyone has the right to feel safe
A – Attitude is everything
D – Disruption free classrooms
Y – You can reach your potential
Tolerance of others, built on mutual respect, is an essential component of our relationships policy. By building a respectful and tolerant community we believe that individuals are able to grow on a personal level and we develop a much deeper understanding of how we are all different and have different strengths and challenges. Using the READY behaviour expectations as a framework, we aim to develop secure relationships that allow new learning to take place when behaviours are not helping us to be ‘ready’ to learn. There is a shared, collective responsibility and we all have a part to play to ensure that our school is a place where amazing learning takes place.