Early Reading
At Lipson Vale Primary School, we believe reading is everything. It underpins all other areas of the curriculum and becoming a competent reader is proven to increase opportunities later in life. And on top of that, it's great fun too!
In Foundation and Key Stage 1, we use a high quality, systematic, synthetic phonics programme called 'Read Write Inc', which has a track record of effectiveness because of its rigour and comprehensiveness. Children are taught consistently to use phonics as the route to reading unknown words. We are passionate about teaching every child to red as quickly as possible and or this reason we have invested in the highly successful Read, Write, Inc. method of teaching. All the staff who teach these lessons have been highly trained by a Read, Write, Inc. trainer and this training is regularly updated.
What do we want your child to learn?
Your child will learn to:
Read letter sounds quickly and effortlessly.
Blend these letter sounds into words.
Read common exception words on sight (these are words that are trickier to sound out)
Understand what they read
Read fluently, with expression
Read books that contain only the sounds and words they have been taught to enable success, confidence, and enjoyment.
How will your child learn to read?
Phonics is taught daily in Foundation and Key Stage One.
Children are taught to work effectively with a partner to explain and consolidate what they are learning.
Children are grouped according to their progress across Foundation and Key Stage One.
If your child starts to make less progress than expected they will receive one to one or small group sessions in addition to their Read, Write Inc lesson.
Your child will be assessed regularly to ensure that they are always receiving teaching that meets their needs.
We are passionate about teaching every child to red as quickly as possible and or this reason we have invested in the highly successful Read, Write, Inc. method of teaching. All the staff who teach these lessons have been highly trained by a Read, Write, Inc. traniner and this training is redularly updated.

What is Read, Write Inc Phonics?
As soon as children come into school, they continue the reading journey they began in their pre-school. We teach reading by using sounds to represent each letter shape. All words are made up of individual sounds. It is very important that the children learn to say the letter sounds correctly.
Follow the link below for some top tips.
Your child will learn to read in a very simple way.
He or she will learn to:
Read letters by their sounds
Blend these sounds into words
Read the words in a story.
Set One Speed Sounds
To help children learn the sounds we give the children a hook by using pictures in the same shape as the letter. They may also have used these in their pre-school. We teach children to name the mnemonic picture before they learn the sound.

Learning to read words
Alongside teaching children to read sounds we also teach them to read words by blending sounds.
Let me introduce you to Fred.
Fred can only speak in sounds. He says d-o-g, h-a-t etc.
Speaking like Fred helps children to understand that words are made up of
Fred helps children practise blending sounds together because he needs the children to
say the words for him. Fred says d-o-g, children tell him the word is dog In the early stages of reading we
play lots of Fred talk games with the children.
We might say Fed would like a d-r-i-n-k and ask the children to tell us what Fred is asking for.
Similarly, Fred might ask us to ask the children to tell us that he can see a c-a-t. He might also say I can spy a t-r-ee. There are lots of possibilities.

Blending letters to read words
We teach children to read words using Fred Talk to blend together the sounds they know e.g. m-a-t, mat.
We say ‘Fred Talk, read the word’.
What can you do to help at home?

Once children are confident with reading Set 1 sounds and blending them into words, they will move on to Set 2 and Set 3. More information about these sounds can be found in our Early Reading document on our policies page.