At LVPS, we aim to integrate the use of ICT across the curriculum. The children have access to Chromebooks on a daily basis to support Accelerated Reader work and TT Rock Stars, or simply to augment the day's lessons through research or looking up word definitions.
In addition to this, the children have regular Computing lessons. These may be taught weekly or in blocks depending on the unit of learning. The majority of lessons take place in the classroom, with our growing supply of Chromebooks facilitating most computer-based learning. However, not all Computing lessons are best taught in front of a screen, so we run a variety of lessons outdoors or through practical classroom based learning.
Our KS1 curriculum is particularly focused on developing basic Computing Science and Digital Literacy skills. These include the usual tasks such as logging in and saving work, but also an introduction to algorithms and coding through Mouse Bots and programming their classmates!
We are also in the process of overhauling our online safety learning to ensure every child receives an age appropriate understanding of how to identify, avoid and respond to inappropriate online content in a resilient way. In KS2, the children begin to learn more about their digital identity and how to safeguard it effectively so it can be a tool for good as they grow.
Click here to view our Computing knowledge progression document